What is water kefir?
Water kefir is a traditional fermented drink that stems from the middle east. Its origin is not entirely known. The grains from the kefir plant were first brought to Europe by British soldiers returning from the Crimean War (1855). Even if its name is closely related to the much wider known“milk kefir”, a fermented milk drink similar to yogurt or ayran, the taste or even appearance is not comparable. Contrary to milk kefir, the water kefir grains are entirely vegan and stem from a mixture of bacteria and yeast culture. By fermenting our drinks, we obtain a CO2 production that naturally enriches our drinks with a refreshing amount of bubbles, unnatural in many other drinks. Water kefir is a live product, therefore it is difficult to ensure an industrial production with exactly equal characteristics. The fact that we are working with live organisms also means that we have to be very careful when storing or transporting our drinks. Noosh drinks should usually be stored away from light, and preferably refrigerated. Due to the second fermentation process that is taking place in the bottles, it is possible that there might be a slight fermentation smell when consuming. This can easily be mitigated by consuming Noosh drinks from an open glass or cup. As we employ a refined fermentation process, there might be a slight production of alcohol - similar to the one of alcohol free beers (yes they can contain a little bit of alcohol!). This is why we precautionarily do not recommend Noosh drinks to pregnant women. However, the amount of alcohol that is found in our drinks is not harmful to children or elderly people as it can be compared to this of an “old banana”.

Noosh is the best! - Why?
Why is our water kefir the future of probiotics?
Noosh invests a lot of effort, money and time in the development of our ideas and products. In order to prove the effect of our Noosh drinks, we are doing many different tests - all together with our estimated partner HES-SO that is supporting and enabling us to attack the huge challenge of proving the probiotic effect. This is a real cornerstone of our drinks because up to today, water kefir is not legally registered as an ingredient even though it is well known. By proving the probiotic effect we cannot only base our claims on real facts but also prove that this special ingredient is causing them. Of course this only applies to the Noosh water kefir as there are many genetically different strains of kefir. Thanks to many external as well as internal experts, the ongoing research is key to us. This also means, that future products in the probiotic sector are open for us: the future of probiotics lies within the hands of our experts. Our kefir is very well cared after and exchanged regularily in order to recover for ongoing brewing and experiment processes. Our goal of development is to produce a drink that goes for every time of day, replacing the evening beer or the lunchtime cola. Ever wondered why your homemade kefir is not as good as Noosh? Believe us, we were discouraged at first and is only thanks to our many experiments, long days and nights, blood, sweat and tears that you get the unique refreshing & fizzy taste paired with extraordinary health effects: SIMPLY NOOSH.